How can ERS have the best quality and most complete data (OVER 2,600 DATABASES!) in the Environmental Due Diligence industry, yet have one of the most affordable prices for its reports?

  1. ERS continually invests in computer software, hardware, and programing to increase the processing speeds and accuracy of the GeoCoding, compiling and processing of the reports. This not only saves you time but also saves ERS’s time.
  2. ERS does not have Salespeople. Every time a competitor’s salesperson steps into your office it costs you money! They have to pay that salesperson, plus costs, plus commission. The costs are passed onto you through increased pricing not increased quality of data! ERS has no salespeople, outside or otherwise!   Instead, ERS makes certain to have the best customer service people available and provide the best customer service in the industry. ERS will fix, remap, change an order, move a site/listing location, anything you need, 24 hours a day, within minutes. Our products always sell themselves.

How does the RecCheck report (Radius Search Report) save you time, therefore saving you money?

  1. ERS provides upfront and within the initial Executive Summary table such key facts as the following:
  2. Listings or Map ID locations are color coded for ease of reference at a glance.
    • Red = Have not received a “case closed”, “no further action” status, or ongoing investigation and/or remediation.
    • Yellow = should be further reviewed to determine site status.
    • Green = site has received a “case closed” or “no further action” status or does not likely present an environmental condition.  This allows you to go directly to the ¼ mile map and quickly assess the condition of your site and surrounding listings.
  3. Upon ordering your report, within the shopping cart, you can select to have all listed sites delivered in an Excel spreadsheet table. This allows you to import this table directly into your report and/or run statistics on the data. Did we mention this is a FREE service?
  4. To save you even more time, we give you the option to order your RecCheck report with our COMPLIMENTARY Phase I ESA report writing template! All pertinent data from the ERS report is automatically input into the template, including your Company information and the subject site specifics. Competitors charge an outrageous $100-150 for the template alone!
  5. If you choose to receive the report in MS Word, you can copy and paste any table and/or specifics directly into your Phase I report at any time.
  6. Excessive DETAILS (that may or may not be important to you) have been placed in a cloud. At the end of the most important shown details for each listing is a HYPERLINK, linking you instantly to the extra details.
  7. All listings have HYPERLINKS that quickly direct you to the maps and details for that particular listing.
  8. The Executive Summary give you a quick overview of your site, including if your subject site has any listings.
  9. You can quickly navigate the report with key HYPERLINKS throughout.
    • Soil Type
    • Radon Levels
    • Subject Site Listings
    • Elevation for all Sites
    • USGS 7.5 Minute Quad Map Name
    • Latitude and Longitude of the subject site
    • If Fire Insurance Map coverage is Available
  10. When mapping your site, prior to confirming map location, you can move the push pin any direction you would like, alleviating remapping’s.
  11. ERS’s reports are delivered to you, in most cases, within MINUTES.   There is no charge for a filed version when you can take the original report out to the field with you. Reviewing the report prior to the site inspection to assist you in not missing anything is invaluable. After the site inspection, changing anything within the report take minutes and is completely FREE.


How does an ERS-Environmental Records Search report reduce your financial and environmental risk and/or liability?

  1. ERS’s reports are delivered to you, in most cases, within MINUTES.   Review the report prior to the site inspection to assist you in not missing anything. These are the items that can assist you by having the ¼ mile map and 1st page of occurrences with the site inspector:
  2. ERS-Environmental Records Search carries TRUE ENVIRONMENTAL errors and omissions/professional liability insurance and our insurance certificates state “Environmental Coverage”.   Our competitors ONLY carry general liability insurance which does NOT cover environmental. Therefore, you have NO COVERAGE when you use our competitors since this is environmental related work! ASTM & EPA AAI require you to carry $1 million of ENVIRONMENTAL errors and omissions/professional liability insurance. If your vendors are NOT covered than any problems go directly to YOUR insurance. We will be glad to provide you with our insurance certificate.
    • Subject site- knowing what to look for, hazmats, tanks, spills, etc.
    • Adjacent site – Hazardous usage, spillage, containment leakage, etc.
    • Adjacent site – Monitoring wells due to LUSTS
    • Adjacent site – Heavy staining or runoff from Hazmat usage.
    • Etc.
  3. All of us database providers rely upon regulators to input accurate and correct data. But, due to human error, sites are often mis-plotted or not represented at all. By taking the ¼ mile map and 1st page of occurrences out to the subject site, any miss-plots or missed sites can be marked on the map and corrected by ERS for FREE that same day.
  4. Those who write and technically review numerous reports sometimes get complacent, tired, and start seeing or reading things that aren’t there. To assist in not missing high priority sites, ALL occurrences/listing are color coded. Knowing RED = Have not received a “case closed”, “no further action status, or ongoing investigation and/or remediation makes it stand out as a high priority site that needs to be addressed. The color coding assists in lowering your liability!


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018 10:00 AM PST
Topic:  How to Save Time and Money when completing your Phase I ESAs

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